Live Review: The Moondoggies @ Iota, 1/28/2011

I'm not sure I was prepared for how good this band was gonna be. From the beginning, they were stunning. At times they were full of gentle twang, a subtle whisper of a time long gone but still remembered. At others, they were letting those instruments of theirs to careen all over the place, kicking up storms and creating some serious noise. Every note was so very rich, so very in tune, and so very hard to resist. When the band played "What Took So Long," a current earworm of mine, I just about got chills. The harmonies, o the harmonies.
It wasn't long before I began to realize who The Moondoggies were really reminding me of: The Band. Something to do with the fullness of the sound, the tone of Kevin Murphy's voice in person, and the presence of some serious keys. Very, very Band-esque. At times I felt Creedence creeping in, lending their influence in the hue of some swampy, molasses-thickness on the guitar hither and yon. I think The Moondoggies are kindred musical spirits with the classics for sure. They've got old souls, not to mention an appreciation for good showmanship. I like to think The Band would be proud.
Much to the chagrin of the way sold out crowd, the show eventually came to an end. Thankfully, though, not before the band unleashed a breathtaking version of "Night & Day," the pretty softness of the opening section of the song so gentle and sweet, and the chaotic feverish craze that followed was undeniably awesome. What a show, my friends. What a show. Go get yourself in the path of this band, because ye shall not be disappointed. Scout's honor. In case you wanna try before you buy, head over to the official Moondoggies site, where they so graciously have some live sets you can get your mitts on for free.
mp3: What Took So Long (The Moondoggies from Tidelands)
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