Megan’s Top 70 of 2010: #59 - Hooray for Earth

Yeah, I got suckered into putting another EP on my list, because it’s just too dang good to leave out. Momo is Hooray for Earth’s way of making you sit up and take notice. It’s a collection of six dandy ditties coated in jangly and floaty electrofrothy synth goodness. Damned if “Surrounded By Your Friends” isn’t one of the catchiest songs I heard all year, and “Comfortable, Comparable” nips close behind at its addictive heels. Based on this here fine EP, I’m beyond excited for their forthcoming long player.
mp3: Surrounded By Your Friends (Hooray for Earth from Momo)
mp3: Surrounded By Your Friends (Hooray for Earth from Momo)
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