Megan's Top 70 of 2010: #50 - Filligar

Ah, the happiness that a good, dirty rock & roll record can bring. Chicago's Filligar just so happen to have made such a good, dirty rock & roll record, The Nerve, and oh my sweet mercy is it a doozy. It's a rollicking, foxy romp, taking cues from the modern bluesy juggernaut of LET faves The Black Keys, the sexy lasciviousness of vintage Mott The Hoople, a smidge of that nouveau Southern rock a la The Black Crowes, and plenty of late, late nights in smoky, filthy, trouble-filled dives. The Nerve comes off as a ballsy, bluesy firecracker of a record. Throw it on for yourself, and just try not to fall prey to that appealingly predatory sonic swagger.
mp3: Robbery (Shocking Love) (Filligar from The Nerve)
Great live band as well. One of the exceptional acts that sounds as good live as they do on the record. Come to DC.