Stone Coldest Fox of 2009: Trent Reznor
What is it that makes Trent so overwhelmingly and irresistibly appealing, you might be wondering. Well, there’s plenty. Naturally, no one can deny that the man was given a good start by the genetic craps shoot. Be it Downward Spiral Trent in bondage gear or “Perfect Drug” Trent decked out in Edwardian velvets, or the current Trent-carnation of pure sex and bulging biceps, he’s a beautiful man. In addition, he’s got plenty of other things going for him, such as his stage persona. Rarely have I seen someone so intense during his performances. And I’ll say this, never underestimate the attractiveness of putting everything you have into a show, guys. It only makes us ladies curious about what else you might be so intense about.
Also enticing is the fact that he’s in his 40s. To some of us girls, this means that he’s worldly and wise, and has probably been around the block a time or two. Experience is oh-so alluring. Trent’s been in the music industry for quite a long time, and he’s seasoned. He’s a pro. He’s gotta be, to have survived for so long in such a tough business. And this tenacity and success does a lot to bolster his already sky-high sexiness. Oh yeah, and there's that whole super talented thing, too.
But perhaps what makes him the most lust-worthy of musicians is, as I can finally say from firsthand experience, his presence. Trent in the flesh is stiflingly sexy. Ladies, let me tell you, you haven’t lived until you’ve been enveloped in a bear hug from this man. And only someone with the slow-burning hotness of Trent Reznor could get away with saying something like, “I wanna be covered in boobs.”
Bottom line: Trent Reznor is the reigning king of foxes, at least as far as this here site is concerned. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I feel a swoon coming on.
mp3: Sin (Nine Inch Nails from Pretty Hate Machine)
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