Happy Birthday, William

Shatner also gave voice to some, er, interesting music. I can still remember the first time I heard his take on "Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds." It was a late English evening and there had been heavy drinking, but not quite enough to prepare me for the Shatnerian experience. I find his music to be an acquired taste.
Lately, I've fallen back in love with the divine Shatner courtesy of his fantastic turn as the Priceline Negotiator, that long-running Priceline ad campaign. His deadpan delivery and expressive features get me everytime. I tend to use Priceline quite a bit, so perhaps the subliminal affection for Shatner is making me choose them over those other travel sites after all. And so, friends, if you will, let's wish a very happy birthday to Mr. Shatner.
mp3: The Transformed Man (William Shatner from The Transformed Man)
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