Meet Carnivores
Think about it, my dearests. Athens has always been the trendy pick in Georgia, the small college town with indie bands to spare. But over the past few years, thanks in no small part to The Black Lips (o, how I love them), Hotlanta's been on the brink of something special. And now, well, the floodgates might be about to open. May I present to you exhibit A, otherwise known as Carnivores. They've got attitude in spades, guitars verging on obnoxiously loud, and hilarious song titles like "Organ Trail" and "When We Met You Called Me Stoic." In other words, they're pretty goddam good.
For those of us in Richmond, Tuesday 7/28 is a double bill of awesome starring Carnivores: first an instore at Plan 9 at 5, and then a gig at The Triple (both with fellow Atlantans Balkans). I'll be there, make sure you're there, too.
mp3: There Is Evil
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